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Digital Tribute Designs, Tesoramore
Digital Tribute Designs

Exclusive to Tesoramore

Welcome to Tesoramore Digital Tribute Jewellery & Keepsakes.
In the years that we have been offering memorial keepsakes we have learnt from speaking to bereaved families that not everyone has the opportunity to have memorial preservation jewellery or keepsakes made as they may not have a preservation sample (ashes/hair/material), but would still love a tribute to their loved one that has passed, and this is why we also offer the option for digital tribute jewellery and keepsakes.
Each design has your loved ones memories stored in jewellery and keepsakes to create a tangible and timeless design that offers comfort in times of grief, and a permanence in connection that can be treasured forever.
Each chosen digital tribute design is expertly made in-house by our specialist memorial and digital specialists team, and contains a beautiful memorial montage (up to 10 x photos) that is programmed using our SmartScan™ technology, and can be accessed by just simply holding your phone over your keepsake, and tapping your screen.
There are no apps required, or QR codes used, nor do you need to open your camera for this. All you need is a smart phone made after 2008.

Digital Tribute Designs, Tesoramore

How To Order Digital Tribute Designs

Our digital designs offer a large range of beautiful memorial designs that encapsulate your loved ones digital memorial tribute in the form of montage into the design of your choice.
To order, simply select your design from our digital collection, and once your order has been placed you will receive a content form for you to provide up to 10 photos for your montage.
Once we receive this from you your design and montage will be made for you, and programmed to your design.

Digital Tribute Designs, Tesoramore

For international shipping, please contact us for a quote.

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